5-Day Residential Organising Training getting commitment from Cr. Henderson

A successful 5-Day Training with a wonderful turnout in collaboration with Living Wage. 

 We had 28 trainees altogether with five trainers and throughout the week everyone started to share more and more about how this training have impacted them in a positive way. Some even shared that what they are taking away from this training around the broad based organising model will definitely shift their organisations and that they are energised to go back, apply it, and start building people power. 

This led to a even more successful action on Thursday the 20th of June.

The Te Ohu & Living Wage Forum, with a turnout of 130 people smashing the space and agitating the councillor Shane Henderson at St. Peter’s Church, Onehunga. 


Your leaders from your communities/ organisations stepped up, took ownership, and held a caucus that got us a deal with the councillor for our Housing Asks. That is only the beginning.

This was all possible because of your willingness and power to stand up in solidarity for what is right, with focused anger and actually making a difference. 

The following asks were presented to the councillor and there was one he was unsure on so the team had to go into a caucus. This caucus led to a better commitment to the following: 

During your term: 

  1. Will you adopt the right to a decent home? Yes. 
  2. Will you support a coordination group made up of council and Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga representatives with council designated resource to: 
    1. Explore and support mechanisms implementing the Right to a Decent Home? Yes. 
    2. Receive progress reports on action taken by Auckland Council or Eke Panuku towards this outcome? Yes 
  3. Will you direct Auckland Council to investigate and report on the council's ability to: 
    1. Provide and facilitate the provision of affordable, healthy, accessible, secure, and culturally adequate rental accommodation retain on council land? But will not privatize public land? Yes. 
    2. Support Māori Housing Initiative? Yes. 
    3. Support a range of affordable housing initiatives in partnership with CHP's, Kainga Ora, and Private developers? Yes. 

Ending off the week with everyone connecting with each other to have relational and one-on-ones after the training. Now we all look forward to reuniting and standing with Community of St. Luke for the Action with Cr. Desley Simpson on the 12th of August, at Community of St. Luke, Remuera.